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Jul 19, 2024

[Answer] What is a group of Wombats called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " What is a group of Wombats called? "


Wombats live in the woodlands, coastlands, mountain forests, and shrublands of southeast Australia. Wombat burrows, which can be 10 to 100 feet long and 11.5 feet deep, are highly complex, with interconnecting tunnels, designated sleeping chambers, and sometimes several entrances and exits. Wombats have different burrows for different purposes. Some house only one or two wombats, some house family groups. Wombats may also be sociable, visiting each other’s burrows. The burrows are also sometimes used by other species, such as wallabies, rabbits, foxes, and lizards.

Some wombats are social while others are loners, depending on the species. For example, common wombats tend to be solitary and inhabit their own burrows, while the two other species tend to be more social and live together in larger burrow groups of 10 to 15 wombats. A group of wombats is known as a wisdom, a mob, or a colony.

More Info: www.pbs.org

Step 2 : Answer to the question " What is a group of Wombats called? "


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