Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Probably the most vicious villain in all of Alfred Hitchcock's films, the name Norman Bates has become synonymous with a merciless killer who has lost his marbles. In which movie did Anthony Perkins take a stab at playing the demonic Mr. Bates?"
...1. Psycho 2. Suspicion 3. Vertigo 4. Murder! Anthony Perkins does his dirty work in 'Psycho', one of Hitchcock's most beloved films, where he plays the quiet proprieter of a seemingly welcoming country hotel. The fun begins when a woman named Marion Crane checks in. Released in 1960, the movie also presented the world with entirely new uses for Bosco chocolate syrup (the blood in the shower scene). Vera Miles, Janet Leigh and Martin Balsam co-star in this classic.