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May 3, 2024

[Answer] Which of these can live in a terrarium?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " Which of these can live in a terrarium? "


Terrarium, simulating a dry habitat, for instance, desert or savannah. A terrarium can also be formed to create a temperate woodland habitat and even a jungle-like habitat.

This can be created with pebbles, leaf litter and soil. By misting the terrarium, a natural water cycle occurs within the environment by condensation forming on the lid causing precipitation. Many kinds of plants are suitable for these habitats, including bromeliads, African violets and Crassulaceae. Animals commonly held for observation include reptiles, amphibians, insects, spiders, scorpions and small birds.

Iguanas are also some of the smartest and most affectionate lizards with the ability to form social bonds. These scaly giants are naturally found throughout the tropical of rainforests of South and Central America but are now invasive in Texas and Florida.

Iguanas are typically housed in either custom screen or wooden vision cages: Iguanas over 1.5 feet long should be moved to a larger terrarium or enclosure. The minimum sized cage for adults is 4ft x 6ft x 6ft (121.92 cm x 182.88 cm x 182.88 cm). Hatchlings are best kept in 20-gallon terrariums with screen tops.

More Info: www.everythingreptiles.com

[Ans] Who was the original singer of Frank Sinatra’s hit “New York, New York”?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the original singer of Frank Sinatra’s hit “New York, New York”?"

"New York, New York" served as the theme song of Martin Scorsese's film "New York, New York," released in 1977. The song was written for the film and performed by Liza Minnelli and was nominated for the year's Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. However, the song did not become a popular hit until it was recorded by Frank Sinatra for his album Trilogy: Past Present Future (1980), and became closely associated with him as one of his signature songs. Frank Sinatra occasionally performed the iconic song with Minnelli during live performances.

[Answer] Who was the original singer of Frank Sinatra’s hit “New York, New York”?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the original singer of Frank Sinatra’s hit “New York, New York”?"

..."New York, New York" served as the theme song of Martin Scorsese's film "New York, New York," released in 1977. The song was written for the film and performed by Liza Minnelli and was nominated for the year's Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. However, the song did not become a popular hit until it was recorded by Frank Sinatra for his album Trilogy: Past Present Future (1980), and became closely associated with him as one of his signature songs. Frank Sinatra occasionally performed the iconic song with Minnelli during live performances.

May 2, 2024

[Ans] What was the intended use for Bubble Wrap when it was invented in 1957?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the intended use for Bubble Wrap when it was invented in 1957?"

Bubble Wrap's original purpose was far from what we use the product for today. Bubble wrap was originally meant to cover your wall - not for safety, but for style. That’s right: it was originally meant to be a wallpaper. In 1957 two inventors named Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes were attempting to create a three-dimensional plastic wallpaper. Although the idea was a failure, they found that what they did make could be used as packing material. Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is celebrated on the last Monday each January.

[Answer] What was the intended use for Bubble Wrap when it was invented in 1957?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the intended use for Bubble Wrap when it was invented in 1957?"

...Bubble Wrap's original purpose was far from what we use the product for today. Bubble wrap was originally meant to cover your wall - not for safety, but for style. That’s right: it was originally meant to be a wallpaper. In 1957 two inventors named Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes were attempting to create a three-dimensional plastic wallpaper. Although the idea was a failure, they found that what they did make could be used as packing material. Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is celebrated on the last Monday each January.