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Jan 12, 2018

[Ans] What causes the color of a dog's nose to fade in winter?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What causes the color of a dog's nose to fade in winter?"

Why Is My Dog's Nose Changing Color? 
...The most common cause of a fading nose is called “snow nose” or “winter nose,” because the dog's nose will fade to pink or white during the winter months, and return to black once ... Cuteness These kinds of dogs sometimes develop nose pigment fading in the wintertime. The color loss is temporary, however. Dogs' noses generally go back to their original color when ...

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What causes the color of a dog's nose to fade in winter?"

There is no definitive reason why this happens:

If a dog's nose becomes anything other than the cold, wet nose normal for the species, an evaluation is in order. It could be nothing more than "winter nose," a benign condition also called "snow nose." This condition affects many breeds, from Labradors to terriers. A normally black nose may fade to a lighter shade of brown, or even pink, in the cold of winter. The dark pigment usually returns as the weather warms up. There is no definitive explanation for why this happens. Source: AKC.org

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What causes the color of a dog's nose to fade in winter?"

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