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Jun 29, 2018

[Ans] What are the little plastic tips on each end of a shoelace called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What are the little plastic tips on each end of a shoelace called?"

What are the holes in your shoes called? The stiff section at each end of the shoelace, which both keeps the twine from unraveling and also makes it easier to hold the lace and feed it through the eyelets, is called an aglet, also spelled aiglet. Shoelaces - 

Why is it called an aglet? “The word aglet (or aiglet) comes from Old French aguillette (or aiguillette), which is the diminutive of aguille (or aiguille), meaning needle. This in turn comes from acus, Latin for needle. An aglet is like a small needle at the end of a cord.”

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What are the little plastic tips on each end of a shoelace called?"


Those small plastic tips at the end of your shoelaces are called aglets. An aglet is a small tip often made of plastic or metal, used on each end of a shoelace, a chord or a drawstring. Aglets are believed to have been around since the time of the ancient Romans. The first aglets were made of metal, glass, or stone and many were highly ornamental. Today, most aglets on shoelaces are hard plastic. Although no one knows for sure who invented them, many sources credit it being popularized by an English inventor named Harvey Kennedy who is said to have earned $2.5 million off the modern shoelace.

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