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Jun 3, 2018

[Ans] Which country owns the island of Bermuda?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country owns the island of Bermuda?"

...Who governs the island of Bermuda? Bermuda is a parliamentary representative democratic dependency. The premier is the head of government, and there is a multi-party system. Bermuda is the oldest self-governing British Overseas Territory and has a great degree of internal autonomy. Politics of Bermuda - 
What country does the Bahamas belong to? “The Bahamas became an independent Commonwealth realm in 1973, retaining Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch. In terms of gross domestic product per capita, the Bahamas is one of the richest countries in the Americas (following the United States and Canada).

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country owns the island of Bermuda?"

United Kingdom:

The island of Bermuda is one of the United Kingdom's 14 British Overseas Territories. Although it is a self-governing island, the British monarch is its titular head of state. The British ruler is responsible for appointing a governor over Bermuda, who represents the monarch. The governor will then usually name the leader of the parliamentary majority party as premier. The citizens of Bermuda rejected independence from the United Kingdom in a decisive vote in 1995. Source: Reference.com

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which country owns the island of Bermuda?"

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