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Jul 28, 2018

[Ans] Who was the live model for the beloved Disney character "Tinker Bell?"

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the live model for the beloved Disney character "Tinker Bell?""

Margaret Kerry began working at the age of four as an actor and dancer in "The Little Rascals." She graduated from high school while working on the movie "If You Knew Susie." She went on to star in "The Charlie Ruggles Show," one of network television's first family sitcoms. Margaret won the role of Tinker Bell in Walt Disney's animated feature "Peter Pan." She became the reference model that the animators used to bring the tiny fairy to life. While Tinker Bell didn't speak, Margaret would go on to build a successful career as a voice-over actress in over 600 animated shows. Source: IMDb.com

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was the live model for the beloved Disney character "Tinker Bell?""

Margaret Kerry:

Margaret Kerry began working at the age of four as an actor and dancer in "The Little Rascals." She graduated from high school while working on the movie "If You Knew Susie." She went on to star in "The Charlie Ruggles Show," one of network television's first family sitcoms. Margaret won the role of Tinker Bell in Walt Disney's animated feature "Peter Pan." She became the reference model that the animators used to bring the tiny fairy to life. While Tinker Bell didn't speak, Margaret would go on to build a successful career as a voice-over actress in over 600 animated shows. Source: IMDb.com

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Who was the live model for the beloved Disney character "Tinker Bell?""

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