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Mar 1, 2019

[Ans] Which social media app has a ghost as its mascot?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which social media app has a ghost as its mascot?"

Snapchat is a photo and video messaging application that allows friends and family to communicate via smartphones. The photos and videos disappear after 10 seconds or less. The time frame is chosen by the sender. Once the “snap” disappears, it’s no longer accessible. More recently, Snapchat released a feature called Snapchat Stories, which allows users to create a narrative of snaps that disappear in 24 hours. Snapchat's mascot is a ghost named “Ghostface Chillah” which is derived from Ghostface Killah of the hip hop group Wu-Tang Clan.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which social media app has a ghost as its mascot?"


Snapchat is a photo and video messaging application that allows friends and family to communicate via smartphones. The photos and videos disappear after 10 seconds or less. The time frame is chosen by the sender. Once the “snap” disappears, it’s no longer accessible. More recently, Snapchat released a feature called Snapchat Stories, which allows users to create a narrative of snaps that disappear in 24 hours. Snapchat's mascot is a ghost named “Ghostface Chillah” which is derived from Ghostface Killah of the hip hop group Wu-Tang Clan.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which social media app has a ghost as its mascot?"

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