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Jul 3, 2019

[Answer] 5. Which of the following European mammals has a protective habit that makes them vulnerable to car accidents?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Which of the following European mammals has a protective habit that makes them vulnerable to car accidents?"

...1. Migratory woodland caribou 2. White rhinoceros 3. Indian elephant 4. Common hedgehog The common hedgehog, also known as European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), is about 20-30 cm long and has the habit of rolling up whenever it finds itself threatened. Its long spines protect the hedgehog from most predators, but unfortunately these are no protection to modern traffic. Hedgehogs live throughout West and North Europe, including suburban areas. They live on invertebrates (especially slugs and ground beetles), young birds, bird eggs or whatever they can find. If they find dry food for cats, it is a real feast. Hedgehogs are not threatened with extinction. The other options don't live in Europe in the wild. The caribou is native to North America (especially Canada), while the white rhinoceros is typically found in South Africa. The Indian elephant inhabits India, China and South-East Asia.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. Which of the following European mammals has a protective habit that makes them vulnerable to car accidents?"

Common hedgehog:

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