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Sep 20, 2019

[Answer] Which sea separates Italy and Croatia?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which sea separates Italy and Croatia?"

...1. Adriatic Sea 2. Caspian Sea 3. Ionian Sea 4. Tyrrhenian Sea

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which sea separates Italy and Croatia?"

Adriatic Sea - The Adriatic is a 50,000-plus-square-mile sea that separates the Italian and Balkan peninsulas, and it offers absolutely stunning views from the many ancient cities and villages that populate its expansive coast. Although both the Italian and Balkan coasts are beautiful, over 1,200 islands are situated close to Croatia’s shore, which create an almost web-like system of inlets. Its beaches are renowned for an array of summer dance festivals and they're a great jumping off point for those interested in taking a ferry to visit the country's islands. For history lovers, Croatia has a wellspring of ruins and museums filled with artifacts belonging to many different cultures. Roman, Venetian, medieval, and baroque architecture all share space alongside the Adriatic’s captivating, sapphire waters.:

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