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Sep 5, 2019

[Answer] Why did the centurion soldier believe that Jesus could heal his servant?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Why did the centurion soldier believe that Jesus could heal his servant?"

...1. He was a man under authority 2. He was holy and powerful 3. He had seen his miracles 4. He did not believe Jesus could do it

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Why did the centurion soldier believe that Jesus could heal his servant?"

He was a man under authority - Faith is more than head knowledge. It’s more than theory. Faith is active trust. It’s staking your life on the word of another. The Centurion, a Roman officer in charge of a hundred men, understood how faith works because he trusted his men to do whatever he asked them to do each and every day. “I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes.” As a man under authority, the Centurion had faith that Jesus had never seen among his own people. The Scripture tells us that Jesus marveled at the faith of this man. Sometimes we miss the best examples of faith because we assume it is only the religious who understand it. The Centurion’s faith reminds us that God finds faith in people we would never expect.:

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