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Oct 28, 2019

[Answer] 5. Imagine your dad had the best job in the world. Every year he delivers presents to children all over the world. If there was a film about him, what would it be called? (Think of a jolly man in a red suit.)

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Imagine your dad had the best job in the world. Every year he delivers presents to children all over the world. If there was a film about him, what would it be called? (Think of a jolly man in a red suit.)"

...1. The Nightmare Before Christmas 2. UPS: The Movie 3. The Santa Clause 4. Stand and Deliver Tim Allen and Judge Reinhold starred in this 1994 film, "The Santa Clause". Tim Allen is also well known for his sitcom, "Home Improvement", and probably best known to children as the voice of Buzz Lightyear from the "Toy Story" films. Judge Reinhold has appeared in many family comedies as well as appearing in the "Beverly Hills Cop" films.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. Imagine your dad had the best job in the world. Every year he delivers presents to children all over the world. If there was a film about him, what would it be called? (Think of a jolly man in a red suit.)"

The Santa Clause:

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