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Oct 7, 2019

[Answer] What is the most expensive aircraft in the world?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the most expensive aircraft in the world?"

...1. Boeing 747-8 2. B-2 Spirit Bomber 3. Airbus A380 4. Air Force One

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the most expensive aircraft in the world?"

Air Force One - With a current projected price tag of $5.2 billion (as of August 2019), Air Force One is the most expensive aircraft in the world. The American icon is currently undergoing a significant overhaul, updating the classic craft in both looks and technology. Air Force One is the aircraft that carries the President of the United States, so safety and the latest upgrades are essential. Close behind is the B-2 Spirit Bomber at $2.1 billion. The U.S. has 20 in its fleet, though original plans were for a hefty 132 units. These advanced aircraft are made with stealth in mind and are designed to be undetectable by most defense systems. Far behind in third place is the Airbus A380 at $445 million each. The Airbus A380 is the world's largest passenger airplane, which leads to its high price tag. The plane can house up to 900 passengers within its two decks. In fourth place is the Boeing 747-8 at $368 million each. Its manufacturer, Boeing, is also involved in the new Air Force One.:

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