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Nov 3, 2019

[Ans] Which of these animals has been elected to office in the United States?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these animals has been elected to office in the United States?"

On September 14th of 1938, the people of Milton, Washington elected Boston Curtis to be their Republican precinct committeeman during the primary election. He won by 51 votes. The problem was that Boston Curtis was a mule. It turns out that Kenneth Simmons, the Democratic mayor of Milton arranged the whole thing to both embarrass the Republican Party and to show that most people have no clue who they are voting for. A check of the election records proved that everything was on the up-and-up. The mule had signed the filing notice with his hoof print and Mayor Simmons signed off as a witness.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these animals has been elected to office in the United States?"


On September 14th of 1938, the people of Milton, Washington elected Boston Curtis to be their Republican precinct committeeman during the primary election. He won by 51 votes. The problem was that Boston Curtis was a mule. It turns out that Kenneth Simmons, the Democratic mayor of Milton arranged the whole thing to both embarrass the Republican Party and to show that most people have no clue who they are voting for. A check of the election records proved that everything was on the up-and-up. The mule had signed the filing notice with his hoof print and Mayor Simmons signed off as a witness.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which of these animals has been elected to office in the United States?"

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