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Nov 7, 2019

[Answer] 2. Why is ultrasound, as opposed to a different imaging technique, used to see the foetus in the womb?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Why is ultrasound, as opposed to a different imaging technique, used to see the foetus in the womb?"

...1. It poses very little risk to foetus, mother or doctor. 2. Any medical professional can do it. 3. A foetus cannot hear normal sound. 4. Ultrasound helps the baby develop. Ultrasonography uses VERY high frequency sound waves, which the human ear cannot detect. The sound waves reflect off tissues. A computer then measures the time it took for the wave to return and any changes to direction, wavelength or frequency. From this the density of the tissue and its distance from the emitter can be worked out, allowing a digital image to be built up.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Why is ultrasound, as opposed to a different imaging technique, used to see the foetus in the womb?"

It poses very little risk to foetus, mother or doctor.:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Why is ultrasound, as opposed to a different imaging technique, used to see the foetus in the womb?"

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