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Nov 6, 2019

[Answer] The oldest known fragment of the New Testament comes from which book?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The oldest known fragment of the New Testament comes from which book?"

...1. Mark 2. John 3. Hebrews 4. Revelation

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The oldest known fragment of the New Testament comes from which book?"

John - It may be small, but it packs a mighty punch. St. John’s Fragment is smaller than an index card but it reveals a wealth of information. It was discovered in Egypt in 1920 and taken to the John Rylands Library in England where it remains on display today. Nearly 1,900 years old, the tiny scrap reveals that The Gospel of John had already been written, accepted as authoritative, and reproduced just 150 years after Christ. \n:

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent comment above: "It may be small, but it packs a mighty punch. St. John’s Fragment is smaller than an index card but it reveals a wealth of information."

    This is the first piece of Christian scripture that verifies that the early church considered Jesus to be divine. At his trial, Jesus was tried and convicted by the Sanhedrin as a blasphemer for claiming divinity. Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate wants to know if Jesus is a secular king, but Jesus deflects the comment and says he is merely speaking religious truth. Pilate then declares that he can find no legal charge against Jesus under Roman law. The divinity of Christ is a teaching of 1st century Christianity.
