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Dec 27, 2019

[Answer] 4. In 1752 in America, a man sent a kite up into the air with a sharp-pointed piece of metal attached to it during a thunderstorm. In doing so, he invented the lightning conductor. Who was this man?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. In 1752 in America, a man sent a kite up into the air with a sharp-pointed piece of metal attached to it during a thunderstorm. In doing so, he invented the lightning conductor. Who was this man?"

...1. Alexander Graham Bell 2. Benjamin Franklin 3. Frankenstein 4. Thomas Edison Both Bell and Edison were born almost a century and a half later than Franklin, so the latter was really breaking new ground in the field of electricity. Frankenstein (as most of us know) was a figment of Mary Shelley's imagination. He, too, used the power of an electrical storm - to bring life to his monstrous creation. As most people know, lightning conductors should be made with a high point from which copper wire or cables should run down, in a direct line to earth. Sharp bends and points should be avoided and they should be held at a distance of at least 2" away from house walls. They should be connected to a water main or copper earth plates buried in damp soil.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. In 1752 in America, a man sent a kite up into the air with a sharp-pointed piece of metal attached to it during a thunderstorm. In doing so, he invented the lightning conductor. Who was this man?"

Benjamin Franklin:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. In 1752 in America, a man sent a kite up into the air with a sharp-pointed piece of metal attached to it during a thunderstorm. In doing so, he invented the lightning conductor. Who was this man?"

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