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Dec 6, 2019

[Answer] 9. If you're a baby walrus, which of the following might you worry about?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. If you're a baby walrus, which of the following might you worry about?"

...1. Being eaten by a killer whale or polar bear 2. Finding sufficient food 3. Freezing to death in the Antarctic 4. Competing with your many siblings for your mother's attention Walruses have a slow reproductive cycle, with females bearing one calf only every two or three years, if that. Consequently, calves are precious and are carefully nurtured. Young walruses are dependent on their mothers for around two years after birth and nurse for much of that time. Walrus milk is rich, with a fat content of about 30%. Walrus mothers are extremely protective of their young and defend them fiercely. Walruses have few natural predators, but killer whales and polar bears have been known to attack walrus calves.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "9. If you're a baby walrus, which of the following might you worry about?"

Being eaten by a killer whale or polar bear:

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