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Dec 3, 2019

[Answer] What caused Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What caused Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem?"

...1. A vacation 2. To attend Passover 3. To attend a wedding 4. A Roman census

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What caused Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem?"

A Roman census - Nowadays, women are cautioned against traveling in the last month of their pregnancy. Maybe this advice comes from what happened to poor Mary and Joseph. Caesar Augustus sent out a decree, requiring everyone to be registered in a census. Each man had to return to the town of his ancestors to be counted in the census. The information was used for taxation purposes. Despite being far along with her child, Mary had to accompany Joseph to his hometown of Bethlehem. While they were there, Mary went into labor and delivered her child without the benefit of mother, sisters, or friends to help her. The town was so crowded that she and Joseph didn’t even have a spot at the inn. But the occurrence of Jesus’ birth—at what may have seemed to Mary as an inopportune time—fulfilled the prophecy recorded in Micah 5. Israel had not had a Davidic king since before the time of the exile. In Jesus, God sent a ruler through the line of David who would reign forever.:

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