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Jan 18, 2020

[Answer] What was the first book sold on Amazon?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the first book sold on Amazon?"

...1. To Kill a Mockingbird 2. The Crystal Shard 3. Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies 4. The Grapes of Wrath

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the first book sold on Amazon?"

Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies - Today, Amazon nets billions annually by selling everything from office supplies to power tools, but their market dominance was hard to imagine when they emerged as an online bookstore in 1995 and made a modest $511,000 in sales that year. At its launch, Amazon promised to offer customers a far wider selection of books than they could find at a physical bookstore and made a point to list specialist and obscure titles that rarely sold. That's how John Wainwright came to purchase \"Fluid Concepts And Creative Analogies\" by Douglas Hofstadter, an exploration of human intelligence through computer modeling, on April 3, 1995. Amazon did not launch publicly until July 1995, but as a computer programmer, John Wainwright was able to get a beta invite from a friend who worked at the company, and with a few simple clicks he become the first non-employee to place an order.:

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