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Jan 26, 2020

[Answer] What was the name of Moses' first wife?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the name of Moses' first wife?"

...1. Tirzah 2. Zipporah 3. Miriam 4. Jochabed

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the name of Moses' first wife?"

Zipporah - Moses — the Hebrew baby pulled from the river, adopted into Pharaoh’s family, and raised as a nobleman — struggled with his cross-cultural existence. As an adult, he struck and killed an Egyptian he saw beating a Hebrew slave. When word got out, Moses fled to the land of Midian. Unable to stop himself from standing up for justice, Moses defended some shepherdesses. The women had just completed the difficult and time-consuming task of drawing enough water to fill the troughs. But before they had a chance to let their flocks drink, the other shepherds drove them away. Moses stood up and saved them, and watered their flock. When the women’s father heard what Moses had done, he invited him to join them for a meal. Moses ended up staying to dwell with them and marrying one of the daughters, named Zipporah. Together they had a son named Gershom.:

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