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Jan 2, 2020

[Answer] Which of the following is NOT one of the rivers that flows out of the Garden of Eden?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of the following is NOT one of the rivers that flows out of the Garden of Eden? "

...1. Pishon 2. Nile 3. Tigris 4. Gihon

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of the following is NOT one of the rivers that flows out of the Garden of Eden? "

Nile - When you picture the Garden of Eden, you surely imagine a lush paradise filled with flowers of every color, trees bending with the weight of fruit, and soft emerald grass. Genesis goes into great detail about the natural features of this stunning paradise, including the river that flowed through the garden giving life to everything within. This river then flowed out of Eden and divided, becoming four rivers that spread across the earth. The four rivers included Pishon, which flowed through the land of gold, Gihon, which flowed through Cush, Tigris which flows east of Assyria, and the Euphrates. However the Nile River, while an important body of water in many biblical stories, is not one of the rivers mentioned. :

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