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Jan 6, 2020

[Answer] Who is the United States of America named after?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who is the United States of America named after? "

...1. Hernán Cortés 2. Christopher Columbus 3. Martin Waldseemuller 4. Amerigo Vespucci

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who is the United States of America named after? "

Amerigo Vespucci - The Americas are named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. He traveled all over the globe, from Portugal to the Gulf of Mexico and southern Asia. As noted by Britannica, his 1501 voyage charted a course for history; he believed that the lands he encountered on his voyage were not part of Asia but a “New World.” In 1507, Martin Waldseemuller reprinted Vespucci’s findings “Quattuor Americi navigationes” and suggested the new land should be called Americus or America. South America claimed the moniker first, but it eventually made its way to North America as well. :

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