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Search Another Question

Feb 15, 2020

[Ans] Which movie character delivered the epic last line, "After all, tomorrow is another day"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which movie character delivered the epic last line, "After all, tomorrow is another day"?"

This is the iconic final line of the book Gone with the Wind. It's also the final line of the film adaptation spoken by Scarlett O'Hara, played by Vivien Leigh. The line is ranked #31 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema. The iconic novel was originally titled Tomorrow is Another Day, from its last line. Margaret Mitchell eventually decided to change the name to Gone with the Wind from a line in a poem by Ernest Dowson. The novel earned Mitchell a Pulitzer Prize, and it was the source of the classic film of the same name released in 1939.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which movie character delivered the epic last line, "After all, tomorrow is another day"?"

Scarlett O'Hara:

This is the iconic final line of the book Gone with the Wind. It's also the final line of the film adaptation spoken by Scarlett O'Hara, played by Vivien Leigh. The line is ranked #31 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema. The iconic novel was originally titled Tomorrow is Another Day, from its last line. Margaret Mitchell eventually decided to change the name to Gone with the Wind from a line in a poem by Ernest Dowson. The novel earned Mitchell a Pulitzer Prize, and it was the source of the classic film of the same name released in 1939.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which movie character delivered the epic last line, "After all, tomorrow is another day"?"

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