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Feb 18, 2020

[Answer] What is the most populous Hawaiian island?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the most populous Hawaiian island?"

...1. Hawaii 2. Kauai 3. Maui 4. Oahu

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the most populous Hawaiian island?"

Oahu - The island of Hawaii may be No. 1 in terms of square mileage, but the state's third-largest island, Oahu, easily outranks it where population is concerned. Approximately 980,000 people, or about two-thirds of the state's total population, call Oahu home. Its nickname is \"the Gathering Place,\" and it includes Hawaii's capital and biggest city, Honolulu, which itself is more populous than the other individual islands. That said, Oahu's population has decreased slightly in recent years, in part due to a high cost of living, increased job opportunities on the mainland, and a decline in the number of military personnel stationed there. Among tourists, though, it remains as popular as ever. It's famous for Waikiki Beach, Pearl Harbor, and Diamond Head, a volcanic cone that draws hikers and sightseers looking for panoramic views of Honolulu.:

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