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Feb 11, 2020

[Answer] Which animal symbolizes the Capricorn astrological sign?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which animal symbolizes the Capricorn astrological sign?"

...1. Bull 2. Crab 3. Goat 4. Lion

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which animal symbolizes the Capricorn astrological sign?"

Goat - In astrology, Capricorn is the 10th zodiac sign and correlates to the period between December 22 and January 19. Its association with the goat comes from the constellation Capricornus, which means \"horned goat\" in Greek. The ancient Greeks, however, drew the goat with a fish tail and linked it to a Greek myth about Pan, the god of the wild. Pan was known for his goat-like features, but there is a story where he elicited the wrath of Typhon, a terrible monster that had thousands of dragon heads and was miles long. To escape, he jumped into a river and tried to transform into a fish, but his incantation only worked on the bottom half of his body. It nevertheless allowed him to get to safety and Zeus later honored him by using Pan’s temporary hybrid appearance as the symbol for the constellation. The image of a goat-fish hybrid in astronomy, however, can be traced back to the ancient Babylonians who predated the Greeks, so the myth about Pan may have been a way to retroactively apply a Greek origin to an image they borrowed from another culture.:

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