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Feb 15, 2020

[Answer] Which woman was chosen to be queen through a beauty pageant?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which woman was chosen to be queen through a beauty pageant?"

...1. Bathsheba 2. Vashti 3. Zipporah 4. Esther

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which woman was chosen to be queen through a beauty pageant?"

Esther - The world's fascination with beauty pageants has a long history. After rich Persian king Ahasuerus fired his queen, a replacement had to be found. In Esther 2:2, \"the king's young men who attended him said, 'Let beautiful young virgins be sought out for the king.'\" They proposed that all the provinces should gather up their beautiful young women and send them to the king's harem. They'd be under the charge of the king's eunuch, Hegai, and given cosmetics, and the king would choose one to be his new queen. A young Jewish orphan was one of the young women who was taken into custody in the court of the harem. Esther had a beautiful figure and was lovely to look at, and she quickly won Hegai's favor. He provided her with cosmetics and special portions of food, and advanced her to the best place in the harem, along with seven other young women. They spent a year going through a beautifying regimen; six months with oil of myrrh and six months with spices and ointments for women. Then each woman would go to King Ahasuerus for one evening. In the morning she would return to a different harem of the king's concubines. She would not go to the king again unless he asked for her by name. Esther won favor in the eyes of all who saw her, and it was no different with the king. He \"loved Esther more than all the women, and she won grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti\" (2:17).:

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