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Mar 19, 2020

[Answer] Which entire U.S. city was raised up by 14 feet?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which entire U.S. city was raised up by 14 feet?"

...1. Chicago 2. Boston 3. New York City 4. San Francisco

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which entire U.S. city was raised up by 14 feet?"

Chicago - What do you do if a city goes underwater? Lift it up using hydraulic jacks and jackscrews, obviously. That’s what Chicago did in 1858, when the city built on a swamp realized it was barely four feet above Lake Michigan. This resulted in loads of swampy streets without proper drainage, leaving water and sewage nowhere to go. The only solution was to install a stormwater and sewer system, but due to the city’s level, city planners understood they’d have to literally lift the whole of Chicago to install these systems below the street. Crazy as it sounds, this is what they did. Over decades, entire buildings and city blocks were lifted!:

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1 comment:

  1. Nowhere does the article on Chicago mention it being raised 14 feet. I have read several articles and some say 4 feet and some say 6.3 feet. Where do any of those articles say 14 feet?
