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Apr 30, 2020

[Ans] Who was King of Great Britain when the United States declared its independence?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was King of Great Britain when the United States declared its independence?"

King George III was the king of Great Britain and Ireland during the American Revolutionary War. He is best known for losing America to revolution and for going insane later in life. The loss of the American colonies was tremendous, and it not only took its toll on England, but on George himself. After serious bouts of illness, he became permanently deranged and spent his last decade in a fog of insanity and blindness. His 59-year reign was the longest in English history up to that point and remains surpassed only by those of his granddaughter Victoria and the current monarch Elizabeth II.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was King of Great Britain when the United States declared its independence?"

George III:

King George III was the king of Great Britain and Ireland during the American Revolutionary War. He is best known for losing America to revolution and for going insane later in life. The loss of the American colonies was tremendous, and it not only took its toll on England, but on George himself. After serious bouts of illness, he became permanently deranged and spent his last decade in a fog of insanity and blindness. His 59-year reign was the longest in English history up to that point and remains surpassed only by those of his granddaughter Victoria and the current monarch Elizabeth II.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Who was King of Great Britain when the United States declared its independence?"

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