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Apr 14, 2020

[Answer] 1. PDAZ keeps her refrigerator stuffed full of vegetables but last month something dreadful lurked in the salad compartment and now she can't get rid of the stink. What common baking ingredient is useful for removing the smell from fridges?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. PDAZ keeps her refrigerator stuffed full of vegetables but last month something dreadful lurked in the salad compartment and now she can't get rid of the stink. What common baking ingredient is useful for removing the smell from fridges?"

...1. Chocolate chips 2. Sliced almonds 3. Raisins 4. Bicarbonate of soda Bicarbonate of soda is one of the most versatile household products which really should not be left languishing in the cupboard and it's much too good for only cakes. Okay, so baking soda (as it's sometimes called) is great in cakes because it works as a leavening agent for flour but it has a lot of other uses. In the case of a smelly fridge, clean the fridge, put some bicarb into a small pot, and put it in the fridge for 2-3 days, stirring occasionally. The smell should have gone - and to keep future smells at bay, keep some bicarbonate of soda in the fridge. Stir it every now and then (because it forms a crust when exposed to the air), and replace it after a couple of months. Smells in fridges are a bad idea as they can taint some food, e.g. butter - and bicarbonate of soda is cheaper than throwing out the dairy products.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. PDAZ keeps her refrigerator stuffed full of vegetables but last month something dreadful lurked in the salad compartment and now she can't get rid of the stink. What common baking ingredient is useful for removing the smell from fridges?"

Bicarbonate of soda:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. PDAZ keeps her refrigerator stuffed full of vegetables but last month something dreadful lurked in the salad compartment and now she can't get rid of the stink. What common baking ingredient is useful for removing the smell from fridges?"

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