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Apr 7, 2020

[Answer] What country did Switzerland accidentally invade in 2007?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What country did Switzerland accidentally invade in 2007?"

...1. France 2. Italy 3. Germany 4. Liechtenstein

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What country did Switzerland accidentally invade in 2007?"

Liechtenstein - If you’ve ever accidentally crossed over into your neighbor’s yard while mowing the lawn or having a big backyard party, then you know exactly how Switzerland felt when it invaded Liechtenstein on February 28 and March 1, 2007. Okay, maybe not exactly. But Liechtenstein was sure in for a surprise when the Swiss Army sent 170 troops into the Alps on a cold winter night, where they crossed their neighbor’s border without asking. Citing bad weather and darkness, authorities made light of the event, and no political tensions were stoked. Most Swiss newspapers didn’t even report the actual invasion! So, move along, nothing to see here…:

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