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Apr 8, 2020

[Answer] What is the polar light phenomenon known as the aurora named after?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the polar light phenomenon known as the aurora named after?"

...1. The first person to scientifically describe it 2. The Roman goddess of the dawn 3. One of the best places to see it 4. The type of particles that create it

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the polar light phenomenon known as the aurora named after?"

The Roman goddess of the dawn - The aurora is the glowing arcs and ripples of light that occur in the upper atmosphere of a planet’s magnetic poles. “Aurora” is the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn, as well as the Latin word for dawn itself. We call Earth’s northern lights the aurora borealis (“dawn of the north”), and the southern lights the aurora australis (“dawn of the south”). Both are caused by solar particles that travel to earth and collide with gaseous atoms and molecules, releasing energy that creates a light show. The colors of the aurora depend on the kinds of molecules at play: particles colliding with oxygen often produce yellow or green, while collisions with nitrogen can create red, violet, or blue.:

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