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Apr 9, 2020

[Answer] Where is the world's oldest surviving hedge maze?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the world's oldest surviving hedge maze?"

...1. Belgium 2. England 3. France 4. Japan

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the world's oldest surviving hedge maze?"

England - One of the most famous mazes comes from Greek mythology, which tells a story of a labyrinth under the island of Crete where the Minotaur dwelled. More than a setting for fantastical journeys, humans have designed mazes to try to achieve spiritual enlightenment, to boost defenses, and as enduring symbols of the twists and turns inherent in life. By the medieval era, they became amusing pastimes as noble landowners built hedge mazes to entertain themselves and their guests. This tradition remains popular today in the form of America's corn mazes, and the scores of hedge mazes still open to the public in England. The oldest can be found at Hampton Court Palace, which King William III and Mary II ordered built in the 17th century. This baroque-style English palace is teeming with elegant splendor, but the stars of the show are the surrounding gardens. One garden includes a grand fountain encircled by carefully maintained yew trees, but a small, hornbeam hedge maze that was planted in 1690 and includes a 0.5-mile-long path still captures visitor’s imaginations.:

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