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May 6, 2020

[Answer] How many scoops of ice cream go into a Ben & Jerry's \"Vermonster\" sundae?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How many scoops of ice cream go into a Ben & Jerry's \"Vermonster\" sundae?"

...1. 5 2. 20 3. 50 4. 99

Step 2 : Answer to the question "How many scoops of ice cream go into a Ben & Jerry's \"Vermonster\" sundae?"

20 - Finishing a Ben & Jerry's Vermonster sundae is a challenge even for someone with the biggest sweet tooth. The massive dessert has to be served in a small bucket to accommodate its 20 scoops of ice cream and four whole bananas. Customers can choose their own ice cream flavors, so you're free to mix Cherry Garcia with Pistachio if you so desire, although Ben & Jerry's suggests sticking to just four or five varieties. Next, cookies and brownies are chopped up and sprinkled on top. They're followed by either hot fudge or caramel — an impossible choice! The 10 spoonfuls of chopped walnuts are optional, but they'll add some crunch to your sundae if you're allergy-free. And if you dare to add additional toppings, the entire sundae bar is open for business. The whole thing is a steal at $39.99, but it's probably better enjoyed with friends, unless you're in the mood for the stomachache of a lifetime.:

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