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May 23, 2020

[Answer] U.S. law enforcement officials said a Saudi Air Force cadet who killed three sailors at a Florida military base last year had been in regular contact with which group?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "U.S. law enforcement officials said a Saudi Air Force cadet who killed three sailors at a Florida military base last year had been in regular contact with which group?"

...1. Al Qaeda
2. Boko Haram
3. Hamas
4. Islamic State

Step 2 : Answer to the question "U.S. law enforcement officials said a Saudi Air Force cadet who killed three sailors at a Florida military base last year had been in regular contact with which group?"

Al Qaeda :

Please let us know as comment, if the answer is not correct!

The F.B.I. found that the gunman, Second Lt. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a Saudi Air Force cadet training with the American military in Pensacola, had communicated with leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and had joined the Saudi military to carry out a “special operation,” Attorney General William Barr said at a news conference on Monday. The F.B.I. recently bypassed the security features on at least one of Mr. Alshamrani’s two iPhones to discover his Qaeda links. Christopher Wray, the director of the F.B.I., said the bureau had “effectively no help from Apple,” but he would not say how investigators obtained access to the phone. American counterterrorism efforts have diminished the capabilities of Al Qaeda in Yemen and the Pakistan-Afghanistan region, but the Pensacola shooting still shows the group’s ideology can inspire attacks.

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