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Jun 1, 2020

[Answer] 1. Sci/Tech: While red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the human body, white blood cells have a completely different, albeit equally important, role. What then, is the job of the white blood cell?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Sci/Tech: While red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the human body, white blood cells have a completely different, albeit equally important, role. What then, is the job of the white blood cell?"

...1. Aiding in the digestion of food 2. Regulating the heart beat 3. Producing hormones 4. Fighting infection The white blood cell, also known as a leukocyte, is an integral part of the human body's immune system. These cells are always present in the bloodstream, but once an infection develops, they grow considerably in number before congregating in the infected area, in order to neutralise the threat to the body. Indeed they are a key factor in fighting infection, and if a blood test reveals a high number of white blood cells, it is a sign that there is an infection somewhere in the body, even if it is not immediately obvious from the outside.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Sci/Tech: While red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the human body, white blood cells have a completely different, albeit equally important, role. What then, is the job of the white blood cell?"

Fighting infection:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. Sci/Tech: While red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the human body, white blood cells have a completely different, albeit equally important, role. What then, is the job of the white blood cell?"

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