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Jun 5, 2020

[Answer] The police dispersed a peaceful protest outside the White House this week so that President Trump could travel where?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The police dispersed a peaceful protest outside the White House this week so that President Trump could travel where?"

...1. Arlington National Cemetery
2. The Martin Luther King Jr. memorial
3. St. John’s Church
4. Washington National Cathedral

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The police dispersed a peaceful protest outside the White House this week so that President Trump could travel where?"

St. John’s Church :

Please let us know as comment, if the answer is not correct!

As a curfew went into effect in Washington on Monday evening, the police used smoke and flash grenades and some form of chemical irritant on protesters in order to clear a path so that Mr. Trump could walk to the nearby St. John’s Church and have his picture taken outside while holding a Bible. Earlier, Mr. Trump denounced demonstrators who have used violence to call attention to the deaths of black men killed by the police as “organizers” of terrorism, and threatened to send the American military to states where governors could not bring the protests under control. Defense Secretary Mark Esper broke with Mr. Trump on Wednesday and said that active-duty military troops should not be sent to control the protests, at least for now. Visit nytimes.com for the latest updates on the demonstrations, and watch the video below for more on Monday’s protest.

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