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Jun 8, 2020

[Answer] What did Saul's son Jonathan taste after his father forbade the soldiers to eat the rest of the day?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What did Saul's son Jonathan taste after his father forbade the soldiers to eat the rest of the day?"

...In the midst of a heavy fight against the Philistines, King Saul forbade his soldiers to eat before they had defeated his enemies. But a young Jonathan, the king's son, was ignorant of this proclamation. He entered a forest with his fellow soldiers and saw honey oozing out of the trees. He reached out and broke off a piece of honeycomb to eat. Though other soldiers tried to tell him about the ruling, he insisted that the food had helped build his strength and he encouraged them to eat, too. Some time later, Saul was frustrated with God's lack of response to his prayers. Jonathan cried out in despair, knowing it was his fault for eating and breaking his father's promise. But Saul did not put Jonathan to death, and the Israelites withdrew from the conflict with the Philistines and returned home.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What did Saul's son Jonathan taste after his father forbade the soldiers to eat the rest of the day?"


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