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Jun 19, 2020

[Answer] What U.S. city has the most breweries per capita?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What U.S. city has the most breweries per capita?"

...1. Portland, Oregon 2. Portland, Maine 3. Seattle, Washington 4. St. Louis, Missouri

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What U.S. city has the most breweries per capita?"

Portland, Maine - If you’re a big craft beer drinker, the United States is a very good place to be. Thanks to laws that changed in the 1970s, opening the country to small brewing operations, American \"microbreweries\" and craft breweries now dot the map from coast to coast. And they make an incredible variety of beer. But which city has the most breweries per capita? There are more than a few beer-crazed American cities that come to mind, but that honor goes to Portland, Maine. It helps that Portland is a relatively small city (around 66,000 residents), which means that it takes fewer breweries to help the city top the per-capita brewery list. (The city with the most breweries overall is Chicago.) But it also helps that Portland is home to so many small operations — though places like St. Louis, Missouri brew a lot of beer, the huge scale of corporate breweries means that it takes fewer brewery operations to make enough beer for everyone (and for customers around the world). The verdict? Portland, Maine, is a great place to go if you like your breweries and your cities a little bit smaller.:

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