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Jul 25, 2020

[Ans] What is the button on the top of a baseball hat called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the button on the top of a baseball hat called?"

A squatchee is the fabric covered button on the top of a baseball hat. You're not going to find the word in Merriam-Webster, but it's in Urban Dictionary and if you go hunting for the word on the internet, it turns up plenty. The term "squatchee" originated from a popular line of books from the 1980s, called "Sniglets," by comedian Rich Hall, in which he attempted to give names to everyday objects that did not already have names. The word was popularized by baseball commentators Bob Brenly and Mike Krukow who picked it up from the book and routinely used the term on the air which then spread to the general public.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the button on the top of a baseball hat called?"


A squatchee is the fabric covered button on the top of a baseball hat. You're not going to find the word in Merriam-Webster, but it's in Urban Dictionary and if you go hunting for the word on the internet, it turns up plenty. The term "squatchee" originated from a popular line of books from the 1980s, called "Sniglets," by comedian Rich Hall, in which he attempted to give names to everyday objects that did not already have names. The word was popularized by baseball commentators Bob Brenly and Mike Krukow who picked it up from the book and routinely used the term on the air which then spread to the general public.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What is the button on the top of a baseball hat called?"

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