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Jul 5, 2020

[Ans] What was the bikini named after?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the bikini named after?"

On this day in 1946, French designer Louis Réard unveiled a two-piece swimsuit at the Piscine Molitor, a popular swimming pool in Paris. Parisian showgirl Micheline Bernardini modeled the new fashion, which Réard dubbed the “bikini”. He named the swimsuit after the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, where the first public test of a nuclear bomb had taken place only four days earlier that week. His swimsuit design shocked the press and public because it was the first to reveal the wearer's navel. Made out of a scant 30 inches of fabric, Réard promoted his creation as “smaller than the world’s smallest bathing suit.”

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the bikini named after?"

A nuclear test site:

On this day in 1946, French designer Louis Réard unveiled a two-piece swimsuit at the Piscine Molitor, a popular swimming pool in Paris. Parisian showgirl Micheline Bernardini modeled the new fashion, which Réard dubbed the “bikini”. He named the swimsuit after the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, where the first public test of a nuclear bomb had taken place only four days earlier that week. His swimsuit design shocked the press and public because it was the first to reveal the wearer's navel. Made out of a scant 30 inches of fabric, Réard promoted his creation as “smaller than the world’s smallest bathing suit.”

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What was the bikini named after?"

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