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Jul 7, 2020

[Answer] 3. For most of the twentieth century, Croatia was part of a larger country called Yugoslavia. What are the approximate dates of Croatia's Yugoslav period (including all previous names of that federation)?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. For most of the twentieth century, Croatia was part of a larger country called Yugoslavia. What are the approximate dates of Croatia's Yugoslav period (including all previous names of that federation)?"

...1. 1919-1991 2. 1940-2004 3. 1885-1960 4. 1848-1956 The idea of a unified South Slavic state had been seriously promoted by Croatian intellectuals from the European Enlightenment on. The collapse of both the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Turkish Ottoman Empire in the wake of World War I left a power vacuum in the Balkans. As the great conflict drew to a close, leading figures from the Habsburg Balkans (including Croatia, Slovenia, and occupied Bosnia-Herzegovina) formed the Yugoslav Committee in concert with the already independent Serbian parliament, eventually declaring a unified Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes with the Serbian King Alexander I as head of state. This new country, which also included Serb-controlled Montenegro and Macedonia, was informally called "Yugoslavia" from the beginning. The name was officially changed in 1929.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. For most of the twentieth century, Croatia was part of a larger country called Yugoslavia. What are the approximate dates of Croatia's Yugoslav period (including all previous names of that federation)?"


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