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Aug 20, 2020

[Ans] A 1973 joke made by Johnny Carson was blamed for a nationwide run on what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "A 1973 joke made by Johnny Carson was blamed for a nationwide run on what?"

In December 1973, Johnny Carson helped spark a run on toilet paper when he joked about a shortage during his opening monologue on The Tonight Show. With an audience of roughly 20 million viewers, Carson’s mention activated a national panic. Absolute madness ensued. Millions of Americans swarmed grocery stores and hoarded all the toilet paper they could get their hands on. The empty shelves seemed to support the claim that there really was a shortage. In the aftermath, Johnny Carson received the blame for propagating the shortage myth and issued an apology on his talk show.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "A 1973 joke made by Johnny Carson was blamed for a nationwide run on what?"

Toilet paper:

In December 1973, Johnny Carson helped spark a run on toilet paper when he joked about a shortage during his opening monologue on The Tonight Show. With an audience of roughly 20 million viewers, Carson’s mention activated a national panic. Absolute madness ensued. Millions of Americans swarmed grocery stores and hoarded all the toilet paper they could get their hands on. The empty shelves seemed to support the claim that there really was a shortage. In the aftermath, Johnny Carson received the blame for propagating the shortage myth and issued an apology on his talk show.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "A 1973 joke made by Johnny Carson was blamed for a nationwide run on what?"

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