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Aug 12, 2020

[Ans] Which of these forefathers served as the first president of the Continental Congress?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these forefathers served as the first president of the Continental Congress?"

The first president of the Continental Congress was Virginia Delegate Peyton Randolph, who had previously served as speaker of the Virginia house of burgesses. The delegate from Virginia was elected unanimously as the first president of the Continental Congress in 1774. As the Continental Congress had assumed governmental duties for the colonies as a whole, many people consider Randolph to have been the first President of the United States, even though he died in 1775. Although Randolph didn’t live to see the Declaration of Independence come alive, he played a key role in the formation of the United States.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these forefathers served as the first president of the Continental Congress?"

Peyton Randolph:

The first president of the Continental Congress was Virginia Delegate Peyton Randolph, who had previously served as speaker of the Virginia house of burgesses. The delegate from Virginia was elected unanimously as the first president of the Continental Congress in 1774. As the Continental Congress had assumed governmental duties for the colonies as a whole, many people consider Randolph to have been the first President of the United States, even though he died in 1775. Although Randolph didn’t live to see the Declaration of Independence come alive, he played a key role in the formation of the United States.

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