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Aug 10, 2020

[Answer] 9. While mainly known for his tough guy roles, Humphrey Bogart starred in the number one greatest love story of all time. What was the name of the movie about a saloon owner during World War II?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. While mainly known for his tough guy roles, Humphrey Bogart starred in the number one greatest love story of all time. What was the name of the movie about a saloon owner during World War II?"

...1. Casablanca 2. Across the Pacific 3. The Caine Mutiny 4. To Have and Have Not Rick Blaine was a cynical expatriate operating a nightclub, when the former love of his life showed up with her husband in 1942's legendary film "Casablanca". Originally entitled "Everybody Comes to Rick's", the movie won the Best Picture Academy Award as well as Oscars for its director, Michael Curtiz and its writers, Julius Epstein, Philip Epstein and Howard Koch. Interestingly, only three of the cast members were American born, Bogart, Dooley Wilson, who played Sam, and Joy Page who played the young Bulgarian wife. Wilson did not know how to play the piano so all of the music was done behind a curtain by a real piano player. This was Joy Page's first film appearance. It didn't hurt her career that her step-father happened to be the head of the studio Jack L. Warner.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "9. While mainly known for his tough guy roles, Humphrey Bogart starred in the number one greatest love story of all time. What was the name of the movie about a saloon owner during World War II?"


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