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Aug 11, 2020

[Answer] What color did the inside of watermelons used to be?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What color did the inside of watermelons used to be?"

...1. Pale green 2. Pale blue 3. Black 4. Rainbow-colored

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What color did the inside of watermelons used to be?"

Pale green - You probably wouldn’t recognize the watermelon’s ancient ancestor if you saw it in the supermarket. Thousands of years ago, wild watermelons were bitter or bland and had hard, pale-green insides. It took plenty of selective breeding in a variety of countries to produce the sweet, ruby-fleshed watermelon we know and love today. But the details of that breeding are lost to history — we know the watermelon’s ancestor originated in Africa, but where it spread from there is unclear. However, it seems likely the melons were initially cultivated less for their flesh than as a source of fresh, safe water in desert areas.:

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