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Sep 12, 2020

[Answer] Dentists report that they are seeing a surge in which of the following oral health issues?\

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Dentists report that they are seeing a surge in which of the following oral health issues?\"

...1. Chronic bad breath\
2. Tooth fractures
3. Cavities
4. Toothaches

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Dentists report that they are seeing a surge in which of the following oral health issues?\"

Tooth fractures:

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“I’ve seen more tooth fractures in the last six weeks than in the previous six years,” Tammy Chen, a prosthodontist in Midtown Manhattan, wrote in a Well column this week. \\What’s going on? One obvious answer is stress. Pandemic-related anxiety is affecting Americans’ mental health, and stress, in turn, leads to clenching and grinding, which can damage the teeth. Other culprits: poor posture during the day, which can translate into a grinding problem at night, and a lack of restorative sleep, which also puts tension on the teeth.\\You can find tips from Dr. Chen on how to prevent grinding your teeth — or if you do nothing else, get a night guard.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Dentists report that they are seeing a surge in which of the following oral health issues?\"

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