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Sep 7, 2020

[Answer] In what country is durian fruit banned on public transportation?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In what country is durian fruit banned on public transportation?"

...1. Canada 2. Malaysia 3. Taiwan 4. Singapore

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In what country is durian fruit banned on public transportation?"

Singapore - While it’s uncommon in the United States, the durian fruit is considered a delicacy in many parts of Southeast Asia. However, the fruit is notorious for its odor, which takes some getting used to. The pungent aroma has led Singapore — a country famous for strict laws — to ban the durian fruit on all forms of public transportation and even prohibit it in some public spaces. There are more than 30 varieties of the divisive fruit, which is covered in spikes and can be up to a foot wide and weigh between two and seven pounds. Scientists recently discovered a particular gene responsible for the durian’s odor and say it had an important purpose in nature — to attract animals, who would eat the fruit and spread its seeds. The famous aroma is almost as difficult to describe as the fruit’s unique taste, so perhaps you’ll just have to try it yourself. :

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