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Sep 20, 2020

[Answer] What are the only two airlines that ever flew the Concorde?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What are the only two airlines that ever flew the Concorde?"

...1. Air France and Qantas 2. Air France and British Airways 3. Cathay Pacific and Lufthansa 4. British Airways and Lufthansa

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What are the only two airlines that ever flew the Concorde?"

Air France and British Airways - On average, a flight today from New York City to London takes about seven hours. But for nearly three decades, there was another option that shaved that flight time in half — the Concorde. Those willing to pay a hefty premium for a ticket aboard the groundbreaking supersonic airliner could fly across the Atlantic in just 3.5 hours, at speeds of 1,350 mph. (Today’s airliners cruise at an average of 575 mph.) The Concorde first entered service in 1976, but only two airlines ever ordered the aircraft: Air France, who flew it from Paris to New York, and British Airways, who flew it from London to New York. By the early 2000s, rising operating costs, softening ticket sales, environmental concerns, and a deadly crash in Paris in 2000 meant the end of the line for the Concorde. British Airways operated the final supersonic flight on October 24, 2003. :

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