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Sep 24, 2020

[Answer] What did the Jewish elders do with the money Judas returned after betraying Jesus?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What did the Jewish elders do with the money Judas returned after betraying Jesus?"

...After seeing that his betrayal would lead Jesus to death by crucifixion, Judas was filled with remorse. He went to the Temple, attempting to give back the 30 pieces he had received for his betrayal to the chief priests and elders, exclaiming he had made a mistake participating in the shedding of innocent blood. The leaders would have no part of it, insisting his guilt was not their problem. Judas threw down the money at their feet and fled. The Jewish leaders talked about what could be done with the blood money as it could not be put in the Temple treasury. After a discussion, they decided to use the money to purchase a cemetery, naming it Potter's Field or Field of Blood used for strangers’ burial.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What did the Jewish elders do with the money Judas returned after betraying Jesus?"

They bought a field for a cemetery:

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